A1 B2 C3 – till Z26

sixteen hundred pennsylvania = 322 ( address whitehouse)

babylon the great, Greek Revelation 18:2 1769 KJV

βαβυλων 1285
η 8
μεγαλη 87 = 1380

The people responsible for nine eleven = 380

380th vs. 1st vs. SHEMUAH (Home page)

Total sum of the names of the signers of the principles statement 3280

Elliott Abrams Gary Bauer William J. Bennett Jeb Bush
Dick Cheney Eliot A. Cohen Midge Decter Paula Dobriansky Steve Forbes
Aaron Friedberg Francis Fukuyama Frank Gaffney Fred C. Ikle
Donald Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad I. Lewis Libby Norman Podhoretz
Dan Quayle Peter W. Rodman Stephen P. Rosen Henry S. Rowen
Donald Rumsfeld Vin Weber George Weigel Paul Wolfowitz = 3280

3280th vs. 534th vs. Leviticus 18:28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. 1044

Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor.

Project For The New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses page 51 September 2000

20207th vs. 1260th vs. Jeremiah 50:40 As GOD overthrew sodom and gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith The LORD, so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein. 1415 <> 4141 Hebrew Standard Method


The united states of america 261

three hundred eighty 204

usa 41

A billion tons 142

Asteroid impact California 241

2102nd vs. 569th vs. Exodus 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

A billion ton asteroid will impact san diego california on july7 eighth8 two thousand eleven2011. 871


The number 2102, a date in the nasa article.

475 days observed , total of first verse of the www.SHEMUAH.blogspot (Home page)

Prophets 117

July eight 117

Days of Lot 117

Divide Israel 117

Ocho de julio 117

Wrath of GOD 117


The longitude of San Diego 117

Mysteries 133

Seven years 133

Holy nation 133

Overcomers 133

Transformed 133

Hidden secrets133

Parted My Land 133

Remnant of God 133

Unleavened bread 133

Roadmap to peace 133

Day of THE LORD 133

We will be changed 133

The Book of The Law 133

The latitude of San Diego 33

True prophet 162

I will let it fall 162

Great slaughter 162

Burned with fire 162

Day of slaughter 162

I will bring doom 162

Judgment day fire 162

Time of the heathen 162

San Diego, California 162

the united states of america 261

The very same day that Jews were forced from their homes in the Gaza, a plan of the usa, Katrina74 hit the usa 41

San Diego 74

Simple 74

English 74

Gematria 74






5 minute update March 20th, current weeks pressure by the usa to divide Israel http://www.hebroots.com/5minuteupdate.htm